

Då går vi och lägger oss du & jag - mot samma natt vi vandrar
Mörkret har nästlat sig in då ljuset du förut tänt nu slocknat
Jag skänker min tilltro till himlavalvet, ack din trygghet berövade du mig
Det är okänd mark jag står på; frusen och kall tycks den
Kanske skall jag en dag finna en stuga likt ett hjärta att värma mig i
Igår var tiden vår och idag är den din och min
Låta mig slumra in under stjärnorna ty dess ljus skall vägleda mig 
På rätt väg skola jag vandra tills jag hittar in
Ett vi är inte ett vi: utan varandra, endast ett hårt skal
Vi nu går på skillda håll och jag möter dig åter i natten - Uti drömmarnas rika sal


När mina vingar mig bär

Jag reser mig när jag faller och jag står starkast de dagar ni ej tror jag orkar mer.
Jag ger inte upp för att jag lägger mig till vila en stund.
Jag böjer inte på huvudet för att visa er vinst.
Jag spar mig energi, likt Skalman för att orka stå upp och vara stark då tiden är som bäst.
Jag kommer igen och segrar när sjön speglar solen blankt och slätt, när vinden ej längre tjuter
- och då svalorna rätat ut sina vingar.
 Å sov vidare och dröm lilla videung, jag väcker dig när våren är här.
Jag ryter likt ett lejon när vingarna mig åter bär

En dikt jag precis kraffsat ihop, tolka och analysera - försök förstå. Det är rätt mycket som ligger bakom den och som går att få ut om man läser mellan raderna eller är duktig på liknelser.

I don't trust people because I know them too well

I know you
- you were too short, you had bad skin, you couldn't talk to them very well. Words didn't seem to work - they lied when they came out of your mouth.
You tried so hard to understand them, you wanted to be part of what was happening. You saw them having fun and it seemed like such a mystery - almost magic!

Made you think that there was something wrong with you. You'd look in the mirror trying to find it. You thought that you were ugly and that everyone was looking at you so you learned to be invisible: to look down, to avoid conversation.

The hours, days, weekends, ah the weekend nights alone! Where were you - in the basement, in the attic, in your room - working some job just to have something to do, just to have a place to depot yourself, just to have a way to get away from them, a chance to get away from the ones that made you feel so strange and ill at ease inside yourself.

Did you ever get invited to one of their parties? You sat and wondered if you would go or not. For hours you imagined the scenarios that might transpire - they would laugh at you, if you would know what to do, if you'd have the right things on, if they would notice that you came from a different planet? Did you get all brave in your thoughts like you're gonna be able to go in there and deal with it and have a great time? Did you think that you might be the life of the party and all these people are gonna talk to you and you'd find out that you were wrong, you had a lot of friends and you weren't so strange after all? Did you end up going? Did they mess with you? Did they single you out? Did you find out that you were invited because they thought you were so weird?

Yeah, i think i know you.
You spent a lot of time full of hate. A hate that was pure sunshine.
A hate that saw for miles. A hate that kept you up at night. A hate that filled your every waking moment, a hate that carried you for a long time.

Yes, i think i know you.
You couldn't figure out what they saw in the way they lived. Home was not home, your room was home, a corner was home, the place they weren't - that was home.

I know you, you're sensitive and you hide it because you fear getting stepped on one more time. It seems that when you show a part of yourself that's the least bit vulnerable someone else takes advantage of you. ONE OF THEM STEPS ON YOU. They mistake kindness for weakness but you know the difference. You've been the brunt of their weakness for years and strength is something that you know a bit about because you had to be strong to keep yourself alive. You know yourself very well now and you don't trust people. You know them too well.

You tried to find that special person - someone you can be with, someone you can touch, someone you can talk to, someone you don't feel so strange around and you found that they don't really exist. You feel closer to people on movie screens.

Yeah, I think I know you.
You spent a lot of time daydreaming and people have made comment to that effect telling that you are self-involved and self-centred. But they don't know, do they, about the long nightshifts alone, about the years of keeping yourself company, all the nights you wrapped your arms around yourself so you could imagine someone holding you. The hours of indecision, self-doubt, the intense depression, the blinding hate, the rage that made you stagger, the devastation of rejection. Well maybe they do know but if they do they sure do a good job of hiding it. It astounds you how they can be so smooth, how they seem to pass through life as if life itself was some divine gift and it infuriates you to watch yourself with your apparent skill of finding every way possible to screw it up.

For you life is a long trip - terrifying and wonderful. Birds sing to you at night, the rain and the sun, the changing seasons are true friends. Solitude is a hard one align - faithful and patient. Yeah, I think I know you

By: Henry Rollins

Love Poem

Älska som om du aldrig blivit sårad

Now it's time to leave, to walk away so that I can meet the next person in line and give it a go. Any person deserves a second chanse, but you my friend, you've allready consumed all of yours. It's funny how you managed to travel from adorable to junk in front of my eyes in less than 24 hours.
I will just pretend as nothing, ignore what you did, ignore you untill the day you ask me for forgiveness. Going all in with many balls in the same game is hard enough, but to find the right ball to go for and then try to score with it; is even harder...
Will you try as hard as I did, will you ever ask me to see you as I did just so I could get to know you? Will you ever give me a chanse to improve myself ? Or are you too proud to let me get any closer? You're a bit of a museum to me... seeing without reaching, but seeing is believing, and I believe - from what I've seen that you're holding yourself back in short reins because you want something else, something you don't even know if I could give you or not. Is it because you're shy or because of your pride - I can not tell. Maybe I'll figure things out as time pass by, time might tell, as well.

Försök inte säga att jag hittade den här någon stans! Det är ju mina egna känslor jag klottrat ner

Värt att tänka på

"It's impossible." said pride.
"It's risky." said experience.
"It's pointless." said reason.
"Give it a try." whispered the heart...

A bird won't fly without its wings

Jag e fan bäst!
Jag är hur bra som hellst.
Lyckades hjälpa en man i nöd. Vad fick man som tack? Precis - ingenting. Bara ett tack. "A piece of jewlery would've been nice" För att citera Carrie Bradshaw.

Nej men nu har jag verkligen gått för långt. Vart är min självrespekt och stolthet? Visst tycker jag om att hjälpa folk men kanske har jag nu passerat gränsen för vad jag själv orkar med. Jag är alltid snäll och hjälper folk. Jag ger alltid med mig när mina kompisar vill något annat än jag. Jag är FÖR snäll helt enkelt. Mitt namn borde användas som deffinition av ordet Snäll.

Lite trött på att aldrig få något tillbaka dock. Tycker ju att jag borde lära mig någon gång. Lära mig att alla inte är som jag. Det är tråkigt att bara få ett ord i belöning. Full förståelse för att detta kanske inte är rätt person för att tacka på ett annat sätt. Men i allmännhet så är det tråkigt. Okej, om jag höll upp dörren åt någon hade jag nöjt mig med ett "Tack", men det här var en sjukt stor tjänst. Något i hästlängder jämfört med att hålla upp en dörr.

Your thanks will never be enough, nor would your smile, your laughs or your hugs be.
If I just had the power to build the perfect thanks, I would. I would make you unable to pay with anything but your soul, your life, your heart and your love. But as far as I know a bird won't fly without its wings neither would you. Cuz' what kind of person would ever be capable of living without its soul, its life, its heart or love? None! Therefore I decided to let go of these "perfect thanks" and accept just your simple way of rewarding. Because I know one day I'll get it perfectly done.